Mediation Training Resources
Resources from Zena Zumeta
Becoming a Mediator Zena shares basic tips and resources on how to become a mediator.
Client Packet: Divorce
This packet is a collection of agreements, worksheets, checklists, resources and other informational tools to use for divorce.
Late-Stage Mediation Works; Early-Stage Mediation May Work Better
Zena reviews the more common practice of late-stage mediation, and calls upon judges and attorneys to consider using early-stage mediation to attract clients and better serve their needs.
Styles of Mediation: Facilitative, Evaluative and Transformative Mediation
Zena reviews the history and various styles of mediation in this article reprinted with permission of the National Association for Community Mediation.
Conflict Styles for Mediators
The five styles of conflict resolution are helpful to categorize clients. But what should mediators do to help move them toward collaboration? In these short videos, Zena goes through the styles and identifies successful mediator interventions for each style.
Moosewood Computers, Inc. Comparative Mediation Videos
Two sets of videos show comparative mediation techniques on the part of Zena Zumeta, JD, and Jon Muth, JD, both highly regarded mediators in Michigan. Zena Zumeta uses the facilitative style in mostly joint sessions; Jon Muth uses the evaluative style in mostly caucus sessions. Moosewood 1 focuses on the partnership issues and Moosewood 2 focuses on the monetary and dissolution issues.
Mediator/Lawyer/Client Relations in Family Law Cases
This DVD shows a method of mediation that helps a divorcing couple find their own solution, working with both their lawyers and a mediator to resolve their dispute.
Association for Conflict Resolution
An international membership association committed to the advancement of the highest standards of ethics and practice for dispute resolvers. ACR is a merged organization of the Academy of Family Mediators, Conflict Resolution Education Network, and the Society of Professionals in Dispute Resolution.
Association of Family and Conciliation Courts
An international and interdisciplinary association dedicated to the constructive resolution of family disputes.
Dispute Resolution Center of Washtenaw and Livingston Counties, MI
The center provides confidential and affordable dispute resolution services, through mediation and training, to individuals and organizations in Washtenaw and Livingston counties.
Mediation Council of Illinois
The organization serves both the mediators of Illinois and their clients in creating standards for members, promoting the use of mediation, and mentoring new mediators.
National Association for Community Mediation
A membership organization comprised of community mediation centers, their staff and volunteer mediators, and other individuals and organizations interested in the community mediation movement.
Pennsylvania Council of Mediators
The Pennsylvania Council of Mediators brings together individuals and organizations who share a common interest in mediation as the preferred form of dispute resolution.
Wisconsin Association of Mediators
WAM is a non-profit association of professional mediators, volunteer mediators, and individuals interested in the field of mediation.
ADR section of the State Bar of Michigan
Both lawyers and non-lawyers are eligible to join the Alternative Dispute Resolution Section of the State Bar of Michigan.
Getting to Yes
by Roger Fisher and William Ury with Bruce Patton (Second edition, Houghton Mifflin, 1991)
Divorce and Family Mediation: Models, Techniques, and Applications
edited by Jay Folberg, Ann L. Milne, Peter Salem (Guilford Press, 2004)
Mediating with Families
by Linda Fisher Mieke Brandon (Lawbook Co (Australia); 4th edition, January 1, 2018)