Advanced Mediation Training


Are you interested in honing your skills and deepening your understanding of mediation? Do you need to meet state requirements for continuing education in advanced mediation to be listed on the court roster? Are you planning a conference and looking for an engaging informative speaker?

Our range of advanced mediation trainings and workshops help you meet these needs. View the calendar to see the advanced options currently scheduled, or contact us to schedule an advanced training in your location. All Advanced training will be eligible for Advanced Mediator credits. The number of credits will vary by the program and will be announced on the website once they are approved.

To give you an idea of the range of topics we offer, take a look at some of our popular workshops listed below.

Our Workshops and Trainings

Advanced Issues in Family Mediation

This training covers communication issues, dealing with power dynamics in family mediation, impasses in mediation and case discussions and mediation fish bowl.

Caucus vs. Joint Session Mediation

Two sets of videos of a small business dispute show comparative mediation techniques by Zena Zumeta, JD and Jonathan Muth, JD, both highly regarded mediators in Michigan. Zena Zumeta uses the facilitative style in mostly joint sessions; Jon Muth uses the evaluative style in mostly caucus sessions. Participants will have the opportunity to discuss the pros and cons of caucus style and joint session style of mediation across the array of areas of mediation.

Caucusing in Domestic Relations Mediation

Most domestic relations mediators either always use caucus or almost never use caucus. In basic training, caucus is often an overlooked technique. This workshop looks at the process of caucusing in domestic relation mediation, reasons to/not to caucus, understanding of dilemmas and challenges in caucusing, techniques for successful caucusing, and timing of caucuses. It includes discussion of caucusing when attorneys are present in the mediation as well as when only the clients are present in mediation. Where time permits, this workshop includes practice exercises.

Domestic Violence Screening and Screening for other Impediments to Mediation

Learn how to ask effective questions to screen for domestic violence and other impediments to mediation. Using the Michigan Domestic Violence Screening Protocol plus video and role play, this workshop will introduce participants to the theory and practice of screening for impediments to mediation. It will also introduce alternative designs for the mediation process for the safety and protection of participants. This training can be one hour to a full day.

Early Stage Mediation

The earlier the better: a look at early stage mediation as a way to increase efficiency and satisfaction. Late-stage mediation has been a familiar process for attorneys in many jurisdictions. This method of dealing with impasses tends to work well to avoid trials, but clients today are also interested in reducing expenses and animosity. Early stage mediation is a method of accomplishing both.

Eldercare Mediation Training

Eldercare Mediation training focus on Adult Guardianship and Family Caregiver Mediation as well as mediation after the death of a parent. Adult Guardianship and Family Caregiver mediation are quite different from other types of mediation. At the conclusion of the training, participants will be prepared to organize and perform Elder Mediations. Meant for both mediators and possible participants in mediation, this is an advanced training for those who have already taken basic mediation training, and an introduction to Elder Mediation for those who have not.

Facilitation Skills for Mediators

Mediators make superior group facilitators, because they know how to use process and stay out of content. This workshop will discuss the differences between mediation and facilitation. It will introduce the process and give time for participants to practice.

Framing Issues

Framing issues is a powerful mediator tool that is often given short shrift in basic training. Take this skill to a new level and improve your efficiency and effectiveness. How is framing different from re-framing? Are there new approaches to framing issues? How do the "pros" frame issues? This workshop will include discussion, video, and role play. Take a look at our online course to see a sample of the information covered in this workshop.

Interest-Based Negotiation is an important skill for Collaborative Lawyers and lawyers interested in settling cases. This training of 1-2 days, or workshop of any length, will introduce the theory of interest-based negotiation as well as tools and techniques to implement the theory in real life. Highlights are the Listening for Understanding, Adding Inquiry to Advocacy, and Tit for Tat with Softeners. Includes role play and video.

It’s Not Like I Hit Her: Verbal and Emotional Abuse in Intimate Relationship Dissolution

This workshop will discuss verbal and emotional abuse and how it impacts mediation for divorce and dissolution of intimate relationships. Verbal and emotional abuse by female perpetrators of will also be discussed. Includes screening protocol, video and role play.

This workshop can be 1-3 days, depending on the needs of the sponsoring organization. Based on the book and training Great Meetings, Great Results by Dee Kelsey and Pam Plumb, the workshop will go in depth into the role of the facilitator, the role of the scribe, and tools and techniques for facilitating group discussion and decision-making. The workshop includes practice sessions. This workshop is appropriate for anyone who would like to facilitate meetings, beginner or experienced facilitator.

Mindfulness, Spirituality & Mediation

Mindfulness and spirituality are both core skills of mediation and can enhance mediation practice. This workshop will introduce you to the concepts of mindfulness and spirituality as separate from religion, will relate them to mediation and ADR, and will give you a chance to experience them through exercises and a short guided meditation.

Pre-Mediation Meetings

Research is showing the efficacy of pre-mediation separate meetings with parties, yet most mediators have yet to try them. This workshop will examine the research and outcomes of pre-mediation separate meetings, and give the do's and don'ts to make them efficient and effective. Included is a video of pre-mediation meetings in a business partnership dissolution.

Recognizing Power Imbalance and Need for Empowerment in Mediation

Power imbalances create significant challenges. They are difficult to detect and more difficult to address. This training/workshop will look at defining and recognizing power imbalance and lack of power; screening for non-domestic violence power imbalances; problems power imbalances cause; handling power imbalances and lack of power in mediation; the role of attorneys where there are power imbalances and use of collaborative professionals where there are power imbalances.

Tough Moments in Mediation

This interactive session will address issues such as dealing with power imbalance, managing third parties and attorneys; and dealing with tough ethical dilemmas in mediation. The format will include discussion and fishbowl role play demonstration by the instructor of cases brought in by the participants. Participants will have the opportunity to join in as mediators and parties.

Trauma-Informed Mediation

Trauma is induced by any event in which basic needs for safety are threatened, and the person is unprepared and/or unable to manage. The experience of trauma is unique to the person experiencing the event. Trauma affects many clients involved in family mediation. They could have experienced past trauma, which is triggered in the mediation, or the mediation itself can cause a person's trauma response. Trauma creates a "fight, flight or freeze" response in the brain, resulting in on-going "triggers" that replicate the brain's response even long after the traumatic event has ended. These clients may feel overwhelmed with emotion and have a significant physiological response to the mediation process. Additionally, they may experience an inability to problem-solve due to being cognitively "hijacked." These clients are in a state of hyper-arousal, which may or may not be observable by the mediator. In this session, information and skill building will be introduced to maximize mediator effectiveness for clients affected by trauma.

Working With Lawyers: A New Paradigm for Mediators

Mediators often prefer for lawyers to absent themselves from a mediation or stay in the background. This workshop will present a protocol for effectively working with lawyers as part of a mediation team and inviting them to be part of the main act. The goal is appreciation of the role of mediation by attorneys and appreciation of the role of attorneys by mediators.


Your Advanced Mediation Trainings are taught by an experienced faculty, including Zena Zumeta Zena D. Zumeta received her Juris Doctor from the University of Michigan Law School. Ms. Zumeta is an approved trainer for Domestic Relations Mediation, Dom… Read More