Enjoy our collection of brief training videos. You can also visit Zena’s channel on YouTube.
Conflict Styles for Mediators
The five styles of conflict resolution are helpful to categorize clients. But what should mediators do to help move them toward collaboration? Zena Zumeta, well-known mediator and mediation trainer, goes through the styles and identifies successful mediator interventions for each style.
Conflict Styles for Mediators 1: Competers
In this first video in her series on styles of conflict resolution, Zena Zumeta talks about the Competers.
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Conflict Styles for Mediators 2: Accommodators
In the second video in her series on styles of conflict resolution, Zena Zumeta talks about the Accommodators.
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Conflict Styles for Mediators 3: Avoiders
In her third video in the series on styles of conflict resolution, Zena Zumeta talks about the Avoiders.
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